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The shul social hall is available for use by shul members. To reserve the hall for your simcha, please email   

Social Hall Regulations

Guidelines for KBY Building Use

Members in good standing may use the Kehillas Bais Yehuda’s (KBY) facilities for private events. The following information and regulations apply to all persons and groups using the building and grounds of KBY. It is our hope that this information will enable everyone to use the building in an enjoyable and respectful way.


Reservations must be made by sending an email to  To complete your reservation, this document must be signed and must be accompanied by a deposit of $500. This deposit is fully refundable, provided the member meets his responsibilities as detailed below. If needed, this will be used to cover any additional cleanup costs that may be incurred.


Availability Reservations are taken on a first-come first-served basis. Shul functions take precedence over private events. Full Members have preference over Associate Members. 

Decorations No decorations, banners or signs may be placed on the walls or ceilings without prior approval. No sticky tape (including masking or drafting tape) may be used except on glass. All decorations, including flowers or banners, must be removed at the end of the function.

Cleanup The member is responsible for the cleanup of the premises. It is expected that the premises be left in the same condition as they were found. This includes the social hall, kitchen and grounds. If an event is held outside, the parking lot areas must also be cleaned up.

Furniture Any tables or chairs that are moved around for the events MUST be returned to their original places.

Food All food and food preparation must conform to kitchen policies and the Kashrut guidelines (see below). Based on past experience, KBY may require the caterer to post a bond to guarantee cleanup.

Alcohol No alcoholic beverages are permitted on the Synagogue premises without prior approval. To obtain approval the user must provide a certificate of liability insurance. Alcohol MAY NOT BE SOLD under any circumstances.

Davening Any event that occurs while shul services are taking place must be sensitive to those services. This includes lowering the volume of any music or speeches and ensuring that guests do not disturb the services.

When you sponsor an event at the synagogue you are responsible for the building during the event. If needed, you will be provided with a key to the shul. You must return the key as soon as possible after the event. You are responsible to see to it that the doors are locked and the building is secure. You are also responsible to see that the staff and guests do not park on the grass or block the fire lanes.

For a bris, bar-mitzvah aufruf or the like, the general rules apply. Any decorations to be placed in the shul should be approved by the board or the rabbi. All decorations brought for the event must be removed as soon as possible. Any tables or chairs brought in or moved must be returned to their original locations. Generally, the main sanctuary is not used for private events. If necessary, please discuss your needs with a member of the board.


If you will be having an event over shabbos or yom tov, you may need to arrange for the timers we use in the shul to be adjusted. Please mention this when you make your reservation.

Social Hall
Kehillas Bais Yehuda's social hall is approximately 2,200 sq. ft. and can comfortably accommodate up to 140 guests at round and rectangular tables. The shul has 7 8x4 tables that seat 10 people comfortably. They are ractrack shape - rectangles with rounded edges. We also have some 6x3 rectangular tables. There are comfortable chairs that coordinate with the decor and due to limited storage space, you should not rent chairs for your event.

Catering and Kitchen Use

1.     If a caterer will be used, the Rabbi must approve the caterer.

2.     Sponsors of private events must supply paper goods.

3.     Any items brought to the kitchen MUST be labeled with the event sponsor’s name AND the date. This will help avoid accidental misuse or loss of items.

4.     Leftover food should be taken home, given away or discarded. Do not leave anything in the refrigerator/freezer unless it is labeled with its intended use and dated. Conversely, do not take anything out of the refrigerator/freezer that is labeled for someone else’s function. Disposal of leftovers is at the sole discretion of the shul.

5.     Paper goods bought for special functions should be taken home by the group or individual who purchased them. If they are not, they may be placed into the appropriate cabinets and will become available for general use.

6.     The sponsor is responsible for the replacement of damaged or lost kitchen equipment.

7.     All food served in the Synagogue must be prepared and served in accordance with halacha. Please discuss any questions with the rabbi before your event.

8.     The sponsor is responsible for leaving the social hall “broom clean”. Cleaning includes removing full garbage bags, empty boxes and sweeping the floors. If there is a liquid spill, it must be cleaned up as well. If your event generates more garbage than can be contained in the shul’s bin, there may a charge to cover the extra disposal cost.

9.     The cleaning crew comes early Sunday morning. When there is a privately sponsored kiddush on Shabbos, cleanup and removal of items (tablecloths, dishes, leftovers etc) must be done before Sunday morning. If it is not, this may prevent the shul crew from completing their cleanup and there may be an additional charge.


Remember: The shul and the kitchen are shared. Many people must use it, so use common sense and common courtesy in cleaning up afterwards and leaving it usable for the next person.

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785