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Recorded Shiurim

A number of Rabbi Blass' shiurim can be found on YU Torah. Please click here to search for shiurim on that site in a new tab/window.


Rabbi Fohrman - Ayshes Chayil and Shavuous : 29 Iyyar 5779
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Rabbi Fohrman - The Viceroy Mordechais Story : 30 Shevat 5777
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Rabbi YY Jacobson - Mikvah Dedication : 15 Shevat 5777
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Rabbi Daniel Feldman - Tzedaka and Chesed Priorities : 8 Shevat 5776
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Rabbi Sobolofsky: Taking Off Shoes - Taking On Holiness : 7 Tishrei 5776
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Rabbi Helfgot: Reflections on the Experience of Depression : 8 Elul 5775:
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Rabbi Viener: Teshuva Kinnus Elul 5774:
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Rabbi Senter: Teshuva Kinnus Elul 5774:
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Rabbi Blass: Teshuva Kinnus Elul 5774:
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Rabbi H Weinreb: On the situation in Eretz Yisroel - Tammuz 5774:
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Rabbi Blass: Yom KiPurim Pre Purim 5774:
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Rabbi Staum: Masquerading Chag Pre Purim 5774:
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Rabbi Viener: Teshuva Kinnus Elul 27 5773:
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Rabbi Jacobson: Tzom Gedaliah 5774:
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Rabbi Viener: Teshuva Kinnus Elul 27 5773:
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Rabbi Blass: Teshuva Kinnus Elul 27 5773:
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Rabbi Berg: Teshuva Kinnus Elul 27 5773:
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KBY Kinnos 2015

6 Shuvaas Suru:

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7 Eicha Atzta:

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8 Ah Ahdeh:

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11 Eicha Eli:

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12 Ohuhli Asher:

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13 EiChoh Amar:

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16 Zchor Asher:

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17 Im Tochalna:

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19 Lecha Hashem:

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21 Arzei Halevanon:

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23 VEsNavi Chatasi:

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25 Mi Yitein:

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26 Az Bahaloch:

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31 Aish Tukad:

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36 Tzion Halo Sishali:

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45 Aley Tzion:

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Bobover Rebbe Zchor Na:

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KBY Kinnos 2014

6 Shuvaas Suru:

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7 Eicha Atzta:

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8 Ah Ahdeh:

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10 Eicha Yushva:

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11 Eicha Eli:

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12 Ohuhli Asher:

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13 EiChoh Amar:

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16 Zchor Asher:

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17 Im Tochalna:

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19 Lecha Hashem:

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21 Arzei Halevanon:

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23 VEsNavi Chatasi:

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25 Mi Yitein:

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26 Az Bahaloch:

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28 Eich Tenachmuni:

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31 Aish Tukad:

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36 Tzion Halo Sishali:

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41 Shaali Srufa:

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45 Aley Tzion:

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R Schwab Zchor Na:

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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784